Dear Friends,
This week, we particularly remember all the unborn in our prayers, in our country, and in our world. This week, a group of Saint Catherine's School students and faculty will head down to Washington, D.C., for the annual March for Life. Please keep us in your prayers for safe travels!
So, what's going on this week??
Teen Holy Hour
6:30-8:00 pm
Adoration, confession, music, talks, and Pizza!
All teens in grades 8-12 are encouraged to attend
Holy Hour for Life
Thursday, January 23
5:00-6:00 pm in the Chapel
The parish will offer a special Holy Hour for life, and parishioners are encouraged to pray with our Lord.
New Altar Servers!
This past Sunday, Fr. Maxwell instituted new Altar Servers for ministry within our parish! We are grateful to our youth for participating in this ministry! We also thank Mrs. Beth Lindberg and Mrs. Heather Kriesberg for their assistance! We always welcome anyone who wishes to serve in various ministries within our parish! For more information, speak to one of the Priests or a staff member.
Consecration to Saint Joseph!
Our Parish will be participating in this consecration. Parishioners are encouraged to participate. More information can be found in the flyer below and the bulletin!
Priestly Fraternity and Vocations!
One of the many blessings of being a Priest is Priestly Fraternity. This past week, we welcomed various Priests and Seminarians to St. Catherine's Rectory for my birthday. It was a wonderful evening, and I am so grateful for their presence and your prayers and birthday wishes!
Please continue to pray for Vocations! If any young man in our parish thinks the Lord may be calling you to Priesthood, we strongly encourage you to speak to one of the Priests! Cardinal Sean used to say, Vocations is everybody's business!
Until next week, stay warm and stay holy!
God Bless You!
Fr. Chris